


About Tchaikovsky


  1. What Country did Tchaikovsky come from?  (Answer: Russia)
  2. True/Fase:  Tchaikovsky immediately entered the St Petersberg Conservatory and graduated with a music degree at the age of 19? (Answer: False)
  3. List 3 musical genres of which Tchaikovsky composed... (Answer:  Any 3 of the following:  opera, ballet, symphony, piano & violin concertos, symphonic poems and overtures, and chamber music & songs)


The Romantic Era


  1. What did Romanticism focus on?  (Answer: Emotion)
  2. List 3 of the 6 stylistic features listed above and give a brief explanation of each... (Answer:  Any 3 of the following:  freedom in form and design, lyrical melodies and striking harmonies, bold dynamics, expansion of the orchestra, closer link to other art forms, greater technical virtuosity)



About Mozart


  1. Mozart was known as a child prodigy.  At what age did he first begin to compose?  (Answer: 6)
  2. Who was the child princess Mozart proposed to in Vienna? (Answer: Marie Antoinette)
  3. List 3 musical genres of which Mozart composed... (Answer:  Any 3 of the following:  vocal music, concerto, chamber music, symphony, sonata, opera)
  4. How many works did Mozart compose in his lifetime? (Answer: 600 [or: more than 600])


The Classical Era


  1. True/False: Classical music was more elaborate and ornate than Baroque music had been?  (Answer: False)
  2. What instrument did the piano replace? (Answer: Harpsichord)
  3. True/False: The concerto was a form of instrumental music that was developed during the Classical era? (Answer: True)
  4. Finish this sentence: Full-stops and commas are to literature what ----- are to music. (Answer: Cadences)






About Copland


  1. Where was Copland born? (Answer: Brooklyn, New York or: America)
  2. True/False: Copland used ideas from American folk tunes, jazz and hymns in his music? (Answer: True)
  3. True/Fase: Rodeo was an opera? (Answer: False)


20th Century/Modernist Era:


  1. List 3 forms of Modernist music... (Answer:  Any 3 of the following: impressionism, experimentalism, futurism, expressionism, atonality, serialism, neoclassicism, electronic music, jazz-influenced, minimalism)
  2. Which famous hymn did Copland use in one of his pieces (mentioned in text)? (Answer: Amazing Grace)