Your Last Project

 Well Done!  You are now finished the Web Quest component of your musical learning project… but there's still more to come!


You will now have the opportunity to hear the Queensland Symphony Orchestra play the First Movement of Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 9 plus 8 other exciting pieces by various different composers live in concert!  


Remember to take the list of all the instruments you have collected on the Web Quest with you to the concert.  When you get there, be sure to compare your list with the actual orchestra that is playing. 


You will need to download the document attached to this page and print it off.  You may read through the questions before you go to the concert, but you will not need to write anything during the actual concert.  


After you have been on the excursion to the QSO concert, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the thought questions you downloaded (from this page) and write down a few of your own ideas.  After this, you will be placed into groups of 2 or 3 with your other classmates were you can then share your ideas together as a small group.  After discussing as a group, you may have new ideas and thoughts you would like to add to your own list.  At the end of the lesson, you will need to hand these question sheets in to your teacher.