Let's Get Started!


Welcome to our Music Web Quest where you will discover information about one of three different composers and the musical era in which they were composed.  You will have the opportunity to put one piece from these composers under the microscope and discover some of the intricate details of how the piece works and fits into its broader context.  


 All three pieces are orchestral works, however, the size of the orchestra and the instruments required to play in the orchestra are different for each of the pieces.  It is your task to find out just what each orchestra looks like.  It’s easy!  All you need to do is complete each page that the Web Quest directs you to and make sure you answer all the questions – as you do this you will collect all the different instruments that are needed for your orchestra along the way, and by the end, you will have the entire orchestra needed to play your piece!


You will need to keep a list of all the instruments you collect as you are going.  This list will be needed when you come to your final project.   


Note:  Please write your answers to any questions you are asked on the Web Quest in your notebooks or on a separate sheet of paper, as you will need to give these answers to your teacher.


 Ready to get started?  Let’s have fun!